Information technology and its importance in serving society

Our initiative - the Basra team, held a workshop entitled:

(Information technology and its importance in serving society)

At the University of Basra - College of Education for Pure Sciences - Department of Computer Science.

At half past ten in the morning on Thursday

Coincidence 4/18/2019

It included the following topics:-

1- Introducing our initiative and employing information technology to serve the community.

2- How to prepare yourself for the labor market with a success story from our initiative for one of the graduates of the Faculty of Computer Science.

3- A review of a group of mobile applications that were designed to serve the community by our initiative.

4- A review of the graduation project of one of the students of the College of Computer Science with the story of the impact of our initiative on its success.

5- Theoretical concepts and methods of penetration, and electronic insurance.

The workshop was concluded with the distribution of certificates of appreciation by the college above to the lecturers of the aforementioned axes.

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